Thursday 15 October 2015

The first few days

I've been home few days now so thought I'd make a few notes on my initial experiences with the halo.

Sleeping and Medication
The halo was fitted Friday night; up until then I'd spent 3 days laid in bed, with instructions to not get up, stay still and keep the angle of the bed below 30 degrees.  After the op I spent a bit of time getting used to being sat up and then dabbled with walking like a newborn gazelle around the bed.

I slept in a half seated position, but the halo was uncomfortable to lay against the pillow.  Since I've been home I've tried various quantities and positions of pillows but the pressure the frame applies to my head when laying down isn't pleasant.  Getting loaded up with paracetamol and liquid morphine has helped me sleep, but when it wears off in the early hours I soon wake up again.  I'm not keen on the morphine's side effects so have resisted taking it through the day and I've even resisted taking it on some nights too.
Yesterday my mum made me a tall and narrow (18" x 6") beanbag pillow which fits between my bars meaning my head rests on it and the bars float in mid air, which saves the pressure against my head.  This lead to last night's sleep being the best I've had - no morphine and the paracetamol took me until 4am.

The surgeon prescribed a steady course of pottering; in other words, not sat doing nothing, but not doing anything strenuous either.  So I've spent the first few days sorting those little jobs that never normally get done, interspersed with lengthy spells of reading/films/music/etc.

My friends have been great; many have chatted on-line and via text, some have sent cards, and I've had a few surprise visits too.  All of which have been very welcome.  Facebook has been a very valuable lifeline.

I've not left the house since I came home, and can't see me doing so for few more days at the very least.  I'm a bit unsteady on my feet and tire fairly quickly.  I'm hoping I might be able to manage a trip to the cinema next week, but that may be a bit ambitious just yet.  

Due to the way the bars attach from the halo to the vest my clothing no longer fits.  As someone who lives in t-shirts, I'm having to pack them away for the foreseeable future and embrace buttoned shirts!  Even then, only the first few buttons can be fastened and I then look-like a cross between Robocop and a cheesy 70's medallion man.  Hoodies also fit quite well in the same way (zip 1/3rd done up) but ideally I need something to fit around the metalwork.
We've raided the charity shops and hopefully my mum can turn her needlework skills to adapting some clothes to fit a bit better!

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